Once upon a time Disney started with a mouse, Henson with a frog, and Marvel with Human Torch...
Today Earth Archetypes starts with 10 illustrations for both kids and adults of Molecule, Network, Weaver, Metaphor, and Embodiment.
Let’s Celebrate with friends, family, clients, and colleagues.
Because our relationship with nature matters!
* Orders close at 11:59pmPST Tues, Dec 31st and will ship to YOU the week of January 6th with a personal thank you note from Amber
If you would prefer to support Earth Archetypes through personalized digital illustrations, sponsorship opportunities, or tax deductible donations, please contact me or email [email protected]
The quiz has grown right alongside the Earth Archetypes from the very beginning and got a major overhaul when the Earthmates Podcast came out in April.
But NOW, I'm going to do a major review with a psychologist who got his doctorate in behavior quizzes and surveys!
After we met at Impact + Profits, he offered a barter that was an easy "YES!"
With Gabe PhD's help, the quiz will take a giant leap, be more scientifically sound, and resonant with people even better. With such a process, we will be positioned to share the quiz with a wider audience.
Your support will help me continue to pay for the quiz platform which is $79/month.
If you get 8 cards, a month is covered.
24 cards for a quarter.
And 96 cards for a year.
If you don't want cards, how about a donation or year long sponsorship?
All of the above has the potential to give you a tax deduction for supplies, marketing, or donations.
Not the sexiest of items on the list BUT oh so important!
I've written and signed plenty of contracts in my career. But the documents for film and investments are next level.
I've invested in books written by producers and entertainment lawyers that give me the lay of the land.
I've joined memberships that helped me understand how to approach these agreements.
Now I need the agreements themselves, but working with a lawyer is incredibly expensive. Roughly $400 an hour. Though their expertise is worth every penny...
I now have a way to get a bigger bang for the buck.
Due to a membership for independent filmmakers that I am in, I can buy a course with a huge stack of templates -- particularly for the investment piece.
These documents and contracts could easily be $13,000 if I were to start from scratch.
This producer sells them for $1,597.
AND, I can get them for 25% off because I'm part of the group -- which means ONLY $1,197.
That's 9% of the potential cost and will position me to start accepting investments in the tv show "How on Earth?"
So your card order, sponsorship, or donation will go really far.
Secure in these legal documents, I can approach investors, tv executives, and philanthropies.
And sizzle reels are how I talk to them.
Yes, I have the one pages, pitch deck, 3 minute pitch, 5 minute pitch, etc…
But the sizzle reel showcases the tone, style, and quality of the upcoming project.
As someone focused on reality tv, I can tell you that decision makers need to see that entertainment and excitement are still at the heart of impact storytelling.
And I've already laid the foundation.
I have footage from a 90 minute panel I hosted with a Norman Lear researcher, production company SVP, developer of an impact focused network, and your truly!
Plus, I can highlight impact producers I've been talking with, the impact hub we will use to drive audience action, and a key sustainability producer Earth Angel.
I'll be putting together most of the storyboard, but with $1000 can hire the amazing Liz Irons to edit the footage for maximum effect and make sure the audio is clear and enticing.
We've already worked together once and have great synergy. By working together again, we can go after like minded partners and larger funds.
Again, your card order, sponsorship, or donation has the potential to make all the difference!
Earth Archetypes Coloring Book!
And then color them both in and outside the lines!
Illustrator Mateo is ready to get started!
YES -- Real Screen
have a chance at a $20,000 development deal
at the largest reality tv event of the year!
And this year the organization choosing is focused on impact tv!!
With the event ticket and hotel covered,
I need the following for this amazing opportunity...
If you would prefer to support Earth Archetypes through personalized digital illustrations, sponsorship opportunities, or tax deductible donations, please contact me or email [email protected]